My mom is moving out of state on Tuesday... so today, she drove over (takes about 1 hour 20 minutes...) to go to the beach!
So we met at my brother's house. He will be storing her vehicle for a month or 2... she had a few packing boxes in the car that we threw in the back of my truck. These were boxes she bought from a moving company.
Before we got to the beach, we were caught in a deluge. No problem - looks sunny over across the bridge... but so much for the cardboard boxes...
Over the bridge and through the traffic lights... there it is in all it's glory on Labor Day Weekend... our beautiful beach.
Trying to find a place to park at a public access is just about impossible. But, we find a spot and I parked my dodge quad cab dakota - parrallelly - without a hitch! (ba-dum-bump)
The plan is to eat lunch at the restaurant, eat too much and then nap out on the beach.
Turns out my mother in law was enjoying the day at the beach as well. So up the boardwalk we went to meet her... I was ahead of mom (cuz she walks slow!) and went to hug my MIL...
"Ouch!!! &*%^#@ Dang it!"
Oh geez...
Mom has ripped her toe nail on her left foot just about all the way off. Bleh. Blood. Bleh.
So I got to have my first photojournalistic shoot in the ER.

Had to leave my gun in the truck... LOL
Her name tag said "Cinnamon"
Listing all the medications she takes
My phone and my lens cap
Waiting for the DR.
Ugh - I can't stand to look at it!
Being in the ER is like playing 20,000 questions
This is my "artistic" take on the procedure... The next image in the series is graphic and I will save you the sight!
All done!
Keep it clean!
Now we can go eat!
Love you mom!
That reminds me of the time I stabbed myself in the finger with a stick and went to the ER. Of course The Husband had to document that one, lol!
Sorry you had to leave your gun in the truck. You have a rack for it though, right? (I just love when people steryeotype us truck owners, hehe).
Oh, I forgot...hope Mom is OK!
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