Sunday, October 12, 2008

So close...

Lance and Thomas are days away from being finished with the cookbook!!!!!

OMG!!! I just can't believe it! We are so excited.

But I am nervous. What does this mean? What is going to happen when it's actually published and they sell thousands of copies? It's making my tummy do flip-flops. They have had great response from certain kitchen appliance manufacturers... and commitments for large sums of book purchases... but all of this is just their word. Will it really happen? Will they sell any books? I am sure some of our friends will be buying a copy, but it's crazy to think that strangers will be buying it... It's just like photography - they are selling themselves. Not food, not a blender, or a cast iron skillet... you have to like them to buy their book. Is our photography of the finished recipes good enough?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

While I go bang my head on my desk, take a look at some of this yummy food!

Tell us what you think! :)

Vegetarian Boudin Balls

Caramelized Onion Delight

Roasted Drunken Pears


Spiced Acorn-butternut pudding (can be used as a pie filling!!! yummmm!)

Banana bread

The Boys





Denise said...

Oh, Amy, looking at those pictures makes ME want to cook something (and you know that's saying something! LOL) Looks great, and don't forget to reserve my copy!

Amy Benzenhafer said...

Thanks Denise!!!! That's exactly what they want to hear! :)

Shouldn't I reserve you 2? haha

Misty Sparks :) said...

Good luck to the guys, Amy! The photos make me drool... I'm sure they'll do great!