I have created a new website!
Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!
See you soon!
I have been to most of them!!! :)
Lance and Thomas are days away from being finished with the cookbook!!!!!
OMG!!! I just can't believe it! We are so excited.
But I am nervous. What does this mean? What is going to happen when it's actually published and they sell thousands of copies? It's making my tummy do flip-flops. They have had great response from certain kitchen appliance manufacturers... and commitments for large sums of book purchases... but all of this is just their word. Will it really happen? Will they sell any books? I am sure some of our friends will be buying a copy, but it's crazy to think that strangers will be buying it... It's just like photography - they are selling themselves. Not food, not a blender, or a cast iron skillet... you have to like them to buy their book. Is our photography of the finished recipes good enough?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
While I go bang my head on my desk, take a look at some of this yummy food!
Tell us what you think! :)
Sure is a long way from Florida!!!
In March, Thomas and I drove to Skiatook, OK... It took about 18 hours to get there. It took about 21 hours to get home - we stopped a lot on the backroads of Arkansas...Mississippi... and took some pretty cool photographs.
Last week, I flew to Kansas City and met my friend Jenny. From there we made the 4 hour trip to Skiatook in about 6 hours! lol
Don't ask... everytime we got in the car together it was like some kind of time warp.
What a relaxing wonderful weekend!!! We stayed at the Skiatook mansion... Pat and Grant's house! They are so wonderful...
We watched the most amazing thunderstorm at 4 am Saturday morning... And had an eventful day Saturday! A couple of amazing models got in some wedding dresses and off we went! We came back to an amazing dinner cooked by our friend Cort. And some even more amazing desserts cooked by our friend Lynda!
Saturday night was um... FUN! While I can't go into detail (this is a pg13 blog, right!??) I laughed so hard for 3 hours that my head still hurts.
We were able to get together our guidelines for our gathering in March. About 80 photographers from around the country get together and learn from each other.. and have a great time... and get some amazing shots.
I can't wait.
As much as I absolutely love having my camera with me everywhere I go, I only used my camera 1 day. What a joy it was to spend time with my friends and just be.
Here are some of the shots from that day...